#下雨天能去錐麓古道嗎? Would that be OK when the weather is rainy?
雨滴真的非常大 Raindrops are obvious. |
Since the approval of entering Jhui Lu Old Trail, where is in Toroko National Park, needs to be applied in advance, you can not decide whether to go according to the weather on that day. Unless you cancel it before the day you go.
要申請才能進去唷! |
差不多這麼大,只是這顆卡在樹枝上 |
Taroko had been raining for several days. The road to the old trail was full of fallen rocks. They seem that they just fell from the top of the hill. It was really dangerous.
太魯閣公路旁的流芳橋 |
混濁的溪水 |
失去樹林遮蔽,一個轉彎過去風超大 |
到了大斷崖只有一件事就是注意安全!注意安全!注意安全! Be careful!
繽紛的山友好可愛 These colorful people are so cute. |
這裏被譽為東亞最美的天空步道。斷崖海拔高度約 700 m,想體驗什麼叫腿軟的感覺就來吧!
The most beautiful nature skywalk in East Asia. If you come to Taiwan, we recommend that you must go to Jhui Lu Old Trail. This route is in Toroko National Park. The cliff is 700 m tall. You will shake like a jelly when you stand on the edge of the cliff.
這裡可以遠眺底下的公路及溪流 |
入園規定 7:00-10:00 a.m,時間超過就不能進去囉!記得要帶身分證跟列印出來的入園申請書。
You should enter between 7:00-10:00 a.m. Remember to bring your identification and permission.
入園申請書 Permission of entering Jhui Lu Old Trail |
錐麓小山洞 |
步道總長約3.2 km,來回6.4 km,慢慢走費時5小時,路上要自備糧食,帶什麼上山,就帶什麼下山。
The whole way is 6.4 km. It will take you almost 5 hr to finish it. Thus, to prevent you from being hungry, bring something you like to eat and remember to bring them back. Do not leave them on the mountain.
想帶什麼都帶上然後出發吧! Bring anything you like. Let's Go! |