



========== 心得 ==========


Experience: The climbing difficulty and danger of Kite's Beak Mountain are high, and it's not recommended for those lacking physical fitness, condition, or climbing experience. Additionally, if you have a fear of heights, it's strongly advised not to go. Furthermore, it's essential to bring anti-slip climbing shoes and gloves. If it rains, immediate retreat is necessary, as descending in wet conditions is highly perilous. Remember, the descent is the most dangerous part, so ensure proper footholds and practice moving securely with three-point contact. Return home safely and healthily to be with your loved ones.

========== 山的故事 ==========

鳶嘴山,位於台灣東北部,是台灣著名的「絕美中級山」之一,與雪山山脈相連。儘管其海拔僅2180米,相較於周圍高達3886米的山峰而言稍嫌矮小,但其壯麗景色卻令人讚嘆不已。 這座山因其獨特的地理位置和令人屏息的景觀而吸引了眾多攝影愛好者和Instagram上的靚麗青年。從山頂俯瞰,可饒富變化的山谷風景以及廣闊的360度全景景色,讓人仿佛置身於天際之間。 儘管攀登鳶嘴山具有一定的挑戰性和危險性,但它卻是一個適合不同程度徒步者的理想之地。無需過夜或提前數月申請許可證,即可在一天內完成整個行程。這使得它成為台灣徒步旅行者的熱門目的地之一,無論是對於初學者還是經驗豐富的登山者都是一個值得挑戰的徒步路線。 鳶嘴山的美麗景色和相對輕鬆的登山路線,讓人總是樂此不疲地再度踏上征途,去探索大自然的奧秘,感受山川的壯麗與恢弘。無論是攝影愛好者還是尋求冒險的青年們,這裡都是一個不容錯過的絕美秘境。

Yuanzui Mountain, located in northeastern Taiwan, is renowned as one of Taiwan's captivating "intermediate-level" mountains, nestled within the Snow Mountain Range. Despite its modest elevation of 2180 meters, compared to the towering peaks around it reaching up to 3886 meters, its breathtaking scenery never fails to astound.

This mountain's unique geographical position and awe-inspiring vistas draw in numerous photography enthusiasts and stylish Instagrammers alike. From its summit, one can behold the ever-changing valley landscapes and expansive 360-degree panoramas, feeling as though they're perched between the heavens.

While the ascent of Yuanzui Mountain poses some challenges and risks, it remains an ideal destination for hikers of varying abilities. With no need for overnight stays or permits obtained months in advance, completing the journey within a day is entirely feasible. This accessibility has made it a popular hotspot among Taiwan's hiking community, appealing to both novices and seasoned mountaineers alike.

The allure of Yuanzui Mountain's scenic beauty and relatively manageable hiking trails beckons adventurers time and again, enticing them to delve into nature's mysteries and revel in the grandeur of the mountains and valleys. Whether you're a photography enthusiast or a thrill-seeking youth, this hidden gem is an experience not to be missed.

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