《NO80小百岳》屏東里龍山|南進北出|The Lirong Mountain Trail【NO80 Taiwan's Minor Hundred Peaks】
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《NO80小百岳》屏東里龍山|南進北出|The Lirong Mountain Trail【NO80 Taiwan's Minor Hundred Peaks】【No.9】
心靈鋼琴|忙生活|Busy with Life|Relaxing Piano Music|Piano Cover【No.78】
✅【No.09】爬山作業 2023.12.9(N0.80 小百岳~里龍山(1062M)
高約1,062公尺的里龍山又稱里瀧山,為臺灣小百岳之一,為中央山脈南端的延伸,也是恆春半島上唯一一座海拔超過1千公尺的中級山。里龍山地質多為厚層砂岩,不時可見高聳陡直的山壁及巨石林立的景觀。山頂視野展望良好,是條極具多樣景觀的登山路線。 The mountain known as Lirongshan, also called Litangshan, stands at an elevation of approximately 1,062 meters and is one of Taiwan's Minor Hundred Peaks. Located at the southern extension of the Central Mountain Range, it is the only intermediate-level mountain on the Hengchun Peninsula with an altitude exceeding 1,000 meters. Lirongshan is characterized by thick layers of sandstone, and its landscape features towering, steep cliffs and an abundance of massive rocks. The summit provides excellent panoramic views, making it a diverse and scenic hiking route.