相關路線北一段(南湖、中央尖) 、北二段 、北三段(能高安東軍) 、南三段(丹大、東郡橫斷) 、南二段 、南一段 、馬博拉斯橫斷(馬博橫斷) 、雪山西稜線 、奇萊東稜 、奇萊南峰步道、南華山步道(奇萊南華) 、奇萊連峰登山步道 、奇萊主山、奇萊北峰步道(奇萊主北) 、干卓萬群峰線 、聖稜線O型縱走(O聖) 、聖稜線Y型縱走(Y聖) 、聖稜線I型縱走(I聖) 、雪劍線 、玉山主峰步道 、玉山後四峰登山步道 、玉山前五峰登山步道 、玉山群峰線 、六順山、七彩湖登山步道(丹大進出) 、大霸群峰登山步道(大鹿林道線) 、白姑大山登山步道 、畢祿山登山山徑 、畢羊縱走(畢祿羊頭縱走) 、羊頭山登山山徑 、北大武山步道 、合歡石門山步道 、合歡北峰步道 、合歡主峰步道 、郡大山、望鄉山登山步道
Outdoor activities entail inherent risks. Please choose a route that aligns with your capabilities. Conduct thorough research, prepare adequate equipment, download offline trail maps for reference, formulate a plan, leave comprehensive information for unforeseen circumstances, and adhere to designated turnaround times. Your safety is your responsibility.
Additionally, remember to carry out any waste you generate in the mountains.
Leave No Trace in the wilderness.
Taiwan Mountain Safety Promotion Association: Free third-party collaborative support platform (Free Guardians) [In case of outdoor emergencies, a resource to seek assistance when unsure of what to do.]
Here is a translated version of Route of the 100 Peaks of Taiwan which provides you with all sorts of information including Difficulty Level, Route Name, # of 100 Peaks, Duration (Days), Ownership, Whether Park Entry Permit/Mountain Entry Permit is(are) required, Ascent (Meters), Descent (Meters), Length of the route, Needed time to complete the route, route plan.
Google Excel of this chart: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WacVPME-a1eIO6SPfck-mjA_TPm4wlxH0JYtxplchug/edit?usp=sharing
(Outdated) PDF Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I3GaAYjUMm2IK_JuTsoqUlktA6oTXcLO/view?usp=sharing
(Outdated) JPG Download Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17YgFX63n9yVAYXqTRNdlyFzz31xMMhia/view?usp=sharing
You are welcome to repost, share this to anybody, feel free to promote Taiwan's mountains and forests to friends and families.
Remark: It is very important to know that the most important thing in mountain climbing is safety first, no matter how high or difficult the mountain is, the one who can go down safely is the real champion.
And also please remember to bring down the garbage you brought/created from the mountain and forest.
Leave No Trace (LNT)