
荒島求生營第4季The Island With Bear Grylls S4
10月7日起,每週六 晚間8點首播。
Premieres every Saturday at 20:00, starting October 7.

在第4季《荒島求生營》節目中,貝爺把兩個不同世代的素人分別丟包在太平洋兩座荒島上。 身上只有登島時穿的衣服,還有一些基本工具。到底哪一個世代的求生能力比較強呢?年輕世代一開始就為食物和飲用水傷透腦筋,老一輩世代似乎怡然自得。但是當水源枯竭時,他們迫切需要找到新家園。他們有辦法前往年輕世代的那座島嗎?他們會怎樣跟年輕人做鄰居呢?

In this fourth series of The Island With Bear Grylls, Bear Grylls maroons two sets of people from two different generations on a pair of deserted islands in the Pacific.  Wearing just the clothes on their backs and armed with some basic tools, which generation is better equipped to survive? As the younger generation struggle with the basics of food and water, the older generation appear to be streets ahead. But when their water source runs dry, they urgently need to find a new home. Will they make it to the younger group's island? And what will they make of their neighbours?


陶德的人體大冒險Todd Sampson's Body Hack
10月15起,每週日 晚間9點首播。
Premieres every Sunday at 21:00, starting October 15.



Todd Sampson, adventurer and human guinea pig, takes on some of the biggest challenges of his life as he embarks on an epic exploration investigating some of the world’s most extraordinary people. Using science as his guide, Todd deconstructs and decodes how these incredible people live, what they do differently from the rest of us and how this impacts the human body. But, in true Todd Sampson style, he will not just observe them: he will hack into their lives and try to become them.

Filmed around the world, TODD SAMPSON'S BODY HACK features Todd living as a hunter-gatherer in Tanzania, stepping into the ring as a professional MMA Cage Fighter in New Mexico; and confronting his fear of open water to free dive and stride across the sea or in Borneo. Todd also takes on one of the world’s most dangerous jobs as a Bollywood stuntman; overcomes injury to train with the notorious French Foreign Legion deep in the tropical jungle of French Guiana; and works as a Himalayan Sherpa at extreme altitude.

得文港:英國海軍基地大公開Devonport: Inside The Royal Navy
10月21日起,每週六 晚間9點首播。
Premieres every Saturday at 21:00, starting October 21.


This revealing, fast-paced character-led pop-documentary series is based in DEVONPORT (known as 'GUZ' in the Royal Navy). DEVONPORT is the PERFECT subject for an obs series. There are 2,500 men and women, of all backgrounds, thrown together in a tight-knit community, doing the most amazing things, under pressure. If you want to be an engineer, a chef, a diver, a ship's captain, a helicopter pilot or a Royal Marine they'll send you to GUZ (named after 'Guzzie', the local Devonshire cream Tea).

舊貨獵人第6季Salvage Hunters S6
10月22日起,每週日 晚間8點首播。
Premieres every Sunday at 20:00, starting October 22.



Drew Pritchard is a modern-day treasure hunter searching the back roads of the UK to discover hidden riches. With demanding customers, high turnover and one of the biggest decorative salvage yards in the UK, Drew is constantly on the road, crisscrossing the country in search of derelict gems and forgotten remnants. Drew loves the thrill of the hunt and while he gets his hands dirty in the country’s architectural backwaters, his crack team of restorers is back at the shop giving old and rare finds a new lease on life.

Follow Drew and his crack team of specialists on a fascinating journey through the entire picking process – from the initial expedition, to renewal, and finally to resale. Showcasing his hard-earned knowledge and appreciation of salvage and restoration, each hour-long episode accompanies Drew on one big buying venture.

電競高手:星海爭霸State Of Play
10月23日,週一 晚間10點首播。
Premieres on Monday at 22:00, October 23.


我在快打求旋風Living The Game
10月30日,週一 晚間10點首播。
Premieres on Monday at 22:00, October 30.


來自台灣的電競選手GamerBee專攻【快打旋風】系列作品,於EVO 2015大賽中奪得【終極快打旋風4】亞軍,成為新一代台灣之光。本片也精彩再現GamerBee在本場大賽中與各國電競高手比賽片段,包含與日本強敵梅原大吾的大戰以及與MOMOCHI冠亞之爭。透過影像,《我在快打求旋風》帶領觀眾看到電競選手風光背後的掙扎與壓力。




